Corporate Operations and Due Diligence Processes
It is common ground in the life of a Company to jump into or cause a corporate operation, whether it is a merger or an absorption in which we can be the one that absorbs or the one that is absorbed.
The elements that will allow us to negotiate in our favor in an operation in which we are absorbed, are the metrics that we should work on long before receiving an offer, almost as if we were configuring these elements to improve our position in a future negotiation. The way in which we work on these metrics and indicators must be validated in the due diligence process that the buyer will impose on us in order to have strength in the negotiation and better defend our aspirations.
In the same way, if we are the buyers and we want to validate the brochure offered by the Company that we are about to study, we must go to the key elements where the veracity of what is shown to us is certified (or not) and not let ourselves be distracted with issues and data that can confuse us.
Working with a lawyer with experience in this type of operations is always a good idea, although the experience of a CFO can complement that of a business lawyer without specific experience in this type of deals.